SNCF Open Data train station attendance

Passengers per french train station in 2018



The following libraries are imported:

import pandas as pd						
import numpy as np						
import plotly.colors
import plotly.graph_objects as go


1. Reading csv files

df_frequentation = pd.read_csv('data/frequentation-gares.csv', sep=';')
df_gares = pd.read_csv('data/referentiel-gares-voyageurs.csv', sep=';')

Sample data from df_frequentation

  Nom de la gare Code UIC complet Code postal Segmentation DRG 2018 Total Voyageurs 2018 Total Voyageurs + Non voyageurs 2018 Total Voyageurs 2017 Total Voyageurs + Non voyageurs 2017 Total Voyageurs 2016 Total Voyageurs + Non voyageurs 2016 Total Voyageurs 2015 Total Voyageurs + Non voyageurs 2015
0 Abancourt 87313759 60220 c 40228 40228 43760 43760 41096 41096.551614 39720 39720
1 Agay 87757559 83530 c 15093 15093 14154 14154 19240 19240.514370 19121 19121
2 Agde 87781278 34300 a 588297 735372 697091 871364 660656 825820.929253 662516 828146
3 Agonac 87595157 24460 c 1492 1492 1583 1583 1134 1134.699996 1127 1127
4 Aigrefeuille Le Thou 87485193 17290 c 18670 18670 14513 14513 266 266.157144 0 0

Sample data from df_gares

  Code plate-forme Intitulé gare Intitulé fronton de gare Gare DRG Gare étrangère Agence gare Région SNCF Unité gare UT Nbre plateformes Longitude WGS84 Latitude WGS84 Code UIC TVS Segment DRG Niveau de service SOP RG Date fin validité plateforme WGS 84
0 00007-1 Bourg-Madame Bourg-Madame True False Agence Grand Sud REGION LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON UG Languedoc Roussillon BOURG MADAME GARE 1 1.948670 42.432407 87784876 BMD c 1.0 NaN GARES C LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON NaN 42.4324069,1.9486704
1 00014-1 Bolquère - Eyne Bolquère - Eyne True False Agence Grand Sud REGION LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON UG Languedoc Roussillon BOLQUERE EYNE GARE 1 2.087559 42.497873 87784801 BQE c 1.0 NaN GARES C LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON NaN 42.4978734,2.0875591
2 00015-1 Mont-Louis - La Cabanasse Mont-Louis - La Cabanasse True False Agence Grand Sud REGION LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON UG Languedoc Roussillon MONT LOUIS LA CABANASSE GARE 1 2.113138 42.502090 87784793 MTC c 1.0 NaN GARES C LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON NaN 42.5020902,2.1131379
3 00020-1 Thuès les Bains Thuès les Bains True False Agence Grand Sud REGION LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON UG Languedoc Roussillon THUES LES BAINS GARE 1 2.249094 42.528801 87784744 THB c 1.0 NaN GARES C LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON NaN 42.5288009,2.249094

2. Merging dataframes

The UIC Code is a unique ID for train stations. However, the column names are different in both files, so it’s mandatory so specify the left_on and right_on arguments.

df = df_gares.merge(
    left_on='Code UIC',
    right_on='Code UIC complet',

3. Filtering

In order to avoid keeping small train stations, I chose to filter out stations with attendance below 1000 passengers in 2018. For visualization purpose, I added a column holding the square root of the number of passengers per station

df = df[df['Total Voyageurs 2018'] > 1000]

4. Adding a category column

By using pandas.cut data can be split into categories according to total number of passengers. This will allow to plot with a different color for each category.

df['category'] = pd.cut(df['Total Voyageurs 2018'], bins=[1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, np.inf])


Plotly is a handy tool when it comes to creating interactive graphs and plots, that you can embed in other websites.

1. Scatter Mapbox

Data contain latitude and longitude: these will be used to plot train stations on the map. The size of the bubbles will depend on the square root of the number of passengers in 2018. A different trace is added for each of the categories defined above. Finally, information shown on mouse-hovering is defined using hovertemplate.

fig = go.Figure()
colors = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis

for i, cat in enumerate(
    df_sub = df[df.category == cat]
        lat=df_sub['Latitude WGS84'], 
        lon=df_sub['Longitude WGS84'],
        text=df_sub['Intitulé gare'],
            size=np.sqrt(df_sub['Total Voyageurs 2018 sqrt']),
        meta=df_sub['Total Voyageurs 2018'],
        hovertemplate="%{text}" + "<br>" + "Passengers: %{meta}",
        name=f'> {cat.left:1.0e} passengers',          

2. Layout

The last step is adding the background map, the title, margins around the plot, and the initial position & zoom.

    title='Passengers per french train station in 2018',
    margin={'l': 0, 'r': 0, 't': 50, 'b': 0},
        center={'lon': 2.39, 'lat': 47.09},

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